Saturday, September 02, 2006

I'm Remembering

I'm remembering
all the times
you took the time to remember me~

Not just on the occasions that called
for a greeting
but all those in-between times
When you wrote or called
or let me know in some way that you cared...

I'm remembering those times
you went out of your way for me,as well as
the fun times we shared that have given me
Such happy memories....
Today, on this special day,
I want you to know
what a difference you've made
in my world,
and I want to wish you
everything happy, everything good,
and everything beautiful
in your world.

1 comment:

Srikanth said...

wishing whom.... ? your same sweet heart ??

I'm remembering
all the times
you took the time to remember me//

good lines..